RAAC - Residents Awareness Association of Coimbatore
Let’s create a peaceful, healthy living environment together!
Coimbatore has more than 2.5 million population, by the time we introduce Rapid Transport System, it will be 2020 and the population would have exceeded 3.5 million and more. So the Rapid Transport System is necessary and it to be implemented Minimum of 60 kms before 2020 Planning Commission in its report has recommended a mass rapid transport for cities with more than a million population. Since, Coimbatore has more than 2.5 million population, by the time we introduce Rapid Transport System, it will be 2020 and the population would have exceeded 3.5 million.
Hence it is essential that the Tamil Nadu State Government, immediately authorize Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) to prepare a detailed project report, which may take to complete 9 – 12 months time. As per the recommendation of the technical committee, let the Government decide either a Mono or Metro Rail System.
An artist's impression what Coimbatore roads would look like with a metro rail.
In this connection, we thank our Hon. Chief Minister Selvi J Jayalalithaa for taking the initiative and announcing during recently held District Collectors Conference that a Rapid Mono transport System – Monorail will be implemented for Coimbatore.
It runs on the concrete beam with rubber tyres. It can carry 15000 persons per hour (Peak hour peak direction). Cost 70% of Metro but running cost is 50% more than Metro.
- Light – 30000 persons per hour.
- Medium – 40000 persons per hour.
- Heavy – 90000 persons per hour.
It can be on elevated on road or underground absolutely no pollution, no noise or vibration. Very fast, reliable and safe – 50% to 60% time saved. For Coimbatore medium duty, Metro suitable and it will meet 50 to 60 years requirement.
Coimbatore Central Business Area is around Railway Station. It is conveniently located from all four directions railway line are there from East – Tirupur, North – Mettupalayam, West – Palghat, South – Pollachi. A convenient sub-urban train system introduced will reduce the decongestion in Coimbatore roads. The participation in Suburban train will be Railways 50% and State Government 50%. So, ideally Medium duty Metro is suited, and the roads which are 20 meter & above width can have elevated rail (ie: Avinashi Road, Trichy Road, Mettupalayam Road). Sathy Road has to be widened. Wherever the roads are narrow the Metro Rail will pass Under Ground.