RAAC - Residents Awareness Association of Coimbatore
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A logistics hub for multi – model transport, transit and storage should come up in Coimbatore. An Agri Export Complex with cold storage facility should be established.
Logistic hub
A Logistic Hub for Multi-Modal Transport, Transit, and storage, should come up in Coimbatore. This should improve the competitiveness of the City in internal trade. Coimbatore can become a Hub for transport and all kinds of goods.
The Agricultural & Processed Foods Export Development Authority (APEDA) is promoting the setting up of Agri Export Zones in many parts of the country. For the benefit of the agriculturists of Coimbatore region, an Agri Export Complex with cold storage facility for perishables should be put-up. The complex is to be designed with a strategy of zero defects in the quality of the perishable products transiting through it by incorporating state of the art refrigeration, materials handling and electronic data interchange technologies.
The exporters of this region can use the complete cold-supply chain from the farm right upon the importing countries worldwide. This cargo complex for perishables would give them a unique logistical strength for exports and will bring a revolution in the exports of fresh produce.
A complex should have a total area of 18,000 sqft with a capacity to handle 30,000 tonnes cargo like fruits, vegetables and other perishables. The cargo complex must have large cold storages equipped with freezer.