RAAC - Residents Awareness Association of Coimbatore
Let’s create a peaceful, healthy living environment together!
Urgent measures must be taken to address the power crisis affecting this industrial city. An uninterrupted, quality power supply must be ensured to all consumers.
The consumers of electricity in Coimbatore have received a step motherly treatment in the supply of electricity. They had to bear more than their fair share of the burden in the present power storage. Further, the cost of power has pushed up their cost of production, making them uncompetitive in the market. The poor quality of power has damaged their equipments and reduced their production quantity and quality.
The Government of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board should create adequate capacity to meet the entire needs of the consumers as soon as possible. In the meanwhile, the Government and TNEB should facilitate “Open Access” to enable consumers to buy power from any source.
The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board should be restructured in accordance with Electricity Act 2003. The cross subsidy burden imposed on the commercial and industrial consumer should be removed in three years, by adhering to the tariff fixation guidelines of Government of India, Ministry of Power. The Electricity Board should compensate for the losses incurred by its industrial consumers for the poor quality and inadequate supply. Coimbatore’s growth depends on the power supply, and all steps to enhance this need to be made.