Environment 2023

Avarankulam Lake

RAAC - Residents Awareness Association of Coimbatore

Let’s create a peaceful, healthy living environment together!
Avarankulam Lake

      The lake rejuvenation activity aimed at acquiring the Athikadavu water scheme is currently in progress, with significant efforts being made to restore and improve the condition of the lake. The project’s success is largely due to the financial commitment made by M/s. Propel Industries, who have generously pledged funds amounting to Rs. 13.10 lakhs for this initiative. 

      RAAC and Kowsika Neer Karangal are the implementing partners in this project. Furthermore, the restoration of the lake will create a more sustainable ecosystem that can support a diverse range of flora and fauna. The success of this collaborative effort between the local authorities and M/s. Propel Industries stands as an inspiring example of how private entities can play a vital role in contributing to social and environmental causes. Their philanthropic gesture not only aids the current project but also fosters a sense of community engagement and responsibility towards environmental stewardship. 

      This united effort will undoubtedly reinforce the chances of accomplishing the Athikadavu water scheme and its long-term benefits for the region’s water security and ecological health. Aavrankulam has been connected to the phase I of this promising project and will receive Bhavani water within few months with a promised discharge of 46.18 LPS. To put this in a perspective, if the lake is completely revived to hold this rate of discharge, it can hold up to 29 crore litres of water in terms of capacity. Hence it is high time that the lake is made ready to receive water and to reap the best out of the groundwater recharge project. Classified as Union Tank and being the largest in its category in the region at 85 acres, this lake will impact the groundwater table for at least 10 km radius if it is rejuvenated before the commencement of Athikkadavu. 

      Certain areas of the lake is filled with huge deposits of silt, up to 5 feet height in some areas. The primary task would be desilting the entire bed of the lake. If a lake of such massive capacity is filled, the strength of the surrounding bunds will be tried and tested by all means. Unarguably, bunds have to be strengthened on almost all sides. Proportionate to its capacity, the lake has 3 different inlet channels which harvests rainwater from far away. Since these streams/canals were not desilted for more than a decade, water flow is heavily obstructed and hence the efficiency of the canals have gone down abysmally low. biodiversity is significantly increased through promotion of green cover around the lakes. This includes plantation of indigenous varieties of trees, installing drip water irrigation for saplings, setting up bee hives, fencing the areas of plantation to avoid damage of local cattle, etc. 

    Aavarankulam can be rejuvenated to its full capacity after decades. The project will not only conserve Aavarankulam lake, but also play a pivotal role in rejuvenation of river Kousika. Cattle rearing and agriculture, still one of the significant livelihood of the region will be protected. Improves the biodiversity and will leave a positive impact on the flora and fauna.